SEO tips for your website

Hello everyone and welcome to our blog.

Today, we are going to talk about how to optimize your whole site, not just a single page, for search engines.

After choosing the right SEO keywords, you have some choices to make.

Before you begin, you need to know the following:

  • What your site is about
  • What the purpose is
  • How important is this to you

Once you’ve got through this three things, then it’s time to get to work.

So, let’s begin!

SEO Tips

To optimize your whole website for search engines and rank better in Google, you need to follow these basic tips:

  1. Optimize your website for one topic

Choose one primary topic that is the most important to your message.

This step is essential, so you may want to do a little keyword research before choosing a topic.

Put your keywords where they matter most.

Include your main keyword (focus word) in the site title, domain name, description and tagline, blog categories, page content and page title.

  1. Link to internal pages on your website

Link your most important pages directly from your homepage and cross-link them with each other.

  1. Use a permalink that includes keywords

Choose a URL structure that includes text, and make sure you include keywords and focus words in your URLs.

  1. Remove anything that makes your website slow

Page Load times are very important, so remove any unnecessary data that slow down your website.

These may include large images, music players, flash graphics, and unnecessary plugins.

  1. Use keywords in your images

Add alt attribute in your images. Use keywords that reflect your site topic in the image title.

Re-title the file name if it doesn’t link to your main keywords (e.g. SEO Tips.jpg instead of 4gsf21.jpg).

  1. Link to other websites with similar content

I know that any outbound link is a vote for another site but if people click your links, this tells search engines that you are a trusted authority on your specific topic.

  1. Update your website frequently

Sites that update their content often rank higher than those with static content. That’s why sites like Wikipedia do so well on search engines because they are constantly being updated with new content.

  1. Make sure your website is listed in search engines

A lot of search engines will automatically find and list your content, but don’t count on them.

Make sure that your site is listed in engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing, so that people are finding you online.

You can add them directly, if they’re not.

  1. Do not keep changing your domain name

The age of your URL is a factor in your site’s search ranking.

So be patient!

Write great stuff, follow the steps above, have patience, and you’ll see the best results.

If you’re curious as to how well your site is performing on search engines, you can contact us on 7000 – 8111 to help you.

Alternatively, you can fill the form on the right hand side and a member of our team will get back to you soon.

We are here to help!  Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need help or further information.

Is your website optimized for search engines? Share your thoughts or questions in the comments below.

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