The perfect ‘About Us’ page
The About Us page is one of the most visited pages on your website.
Almost all visitors tend to snoop around your About us page, especially when it comes to doing business online.
As one of the most visited locations on a site, the About us page plays a huge role in the first impression that you leave on a potential customer or collaborator.
About us page is where your site’s visitors can learn more about you and your company. The customers look here before they start to take your business seriously.
Without doubt, ‘About us’ pages are very important! So, you need make sure that this page builds trust and connects with readers.
But how do you do that?
Here are few tips for creating an amazing About Us page:
Structure your ‘About us’ page
When it comes to the structure of your ‘About us’ page, try to decide the following:
- What kind of information you want to include on the page and which details you want to exclude.
- How your page will be structured (how many pictures, paragraphs etc.)
- How the page’s style will show your company’s spirit.
- Which photos or videos you will use.
- How to connect this page to other pages on your site and your social media.
Tell a story about you or your company
Your visitors will be happy to know when, where and how your business established.
For example, if your great-great-grandfather opened the family business many many years ago – that’s a fact worth mentioning.
Tell readers what you are offering
Even if other sections of your site contain a full list of your products and services, this page is the best place to include a short and clear summary of your company’s enterprises alongside a list of all of its professionals.
Include photos and videos
Photos and video provide a vital visual aspect for your company.
As it is known, visual content humanizes your brand and reinforces trust.
This type of content show the real people behind your business and bring your team and visitors closer.
So, the best thing you can do is to include photos and videos from your actual workplace.
Make sure there are no spelling errors or grammar mistakes
Re-reading your text is very important.
Take 15 minutes to go through your content and correct any possible grammar mistakes.
Also, make sure you a have spell checker like Grammarly, or any other similar tool, to help you in a time of need.
Learn some SEO tips
Search Engine Optimization is extremely important here.
You have to make sure that this page will serve as another boost for your website on the search results ladder.
- Use keywords relevant to your topic
- Try to optimize your photos and videos
- Makes sure your site structure is Google friendly
Link to Social media
Another important aspect of your company’s activity is its social presence.
The ‘About Us’ page is the home for your Social Media links.
So make sure to put here all your links like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and more.
Your Reputation shows off before you do
The ‘About us’ page should highlight your unique services and products and inspire trust.
There are 2 simple ways to do this:
- Customers Reviews and Recommendations – This is the best way to show that your business is a trustworthy and reliable establishment.
- Press – TV, radio and print media will help with positioning your company as a reliable and trusted one.
If you have questions or need further information please do not hesitate to contact us on 7000 8111.
Our team is ready to answer to all your questions!!!
Alternatively, you can use the form on the side to contact us!
See also some samples of our work here.